Ever heard that term before? "The Dummy Tax." Doesn't sound very good, does it? Well, you are right. It's not good. And unfortunately, most of us fall into the "dummy" category, and pay this tax.
Actually, I should pluralize it: The Dummy Taxes...because they are EVERYWHERE and you are a victim almost everywhere you go, and everyday you live.
"Well then, I'll just stop buying..." Sorry, you'll still be taxed. You still pay.
"Still? What is this "dummy tax" or "taxes" as you say...?"
Ready? Are you sitting down?
The Dummy tax is the humongous fees that you pay VISA, because you couldn't pay MasterCard, so you borrowed from Paul to pay Mary back. Then, it gets worse because you need VISA again to pay for your darn trip to Disneyland.
Sound familiar? I'm not through yet...
The Dummy tax is the fee you pay to remain in the lowest sector of societies income scale because you think earning OUTSIDE of what college taught you to do is somehow wrong or that you have no time. Now look at people like Mick Jagger, Oprah or Tom Hanks...they work where they are CELEBRATED.
Dummies earn a paycheck from a job that only tolerates them.
The Dummy tax is the higher interest rate on credit cards and mortgages because your credit is less that 620....
Ouch! That was me...
It's about being so dumb that you allow an employer to pay you per hour rather than per customer or actual work performed. Also, the employer gets to earn money over and over off YOUR CUSTOMERS even if you leave the company, or are laid off.
So, who's prospering from your efforts? You, I hope. That's what I've always felt is fair. If I do the work, obtain the client, win the account, shouldn't that be mine? If their business continues for 20+ years, don't I deserve a cut?
Yes, you do. But you won't get it, because you signed your "rights" (compensation) away when you accepted the job. But no one tells you that.
Mick Jagger. Tom Hanks. Oprah. Remember them? They know better. It's called residual income.
Ever heard of a song called "(I can't get no) Satisfaction?"
Well, Mick and his bandmate/buddy Keith Richards wrote that one afternoon early in 1965. That was 43 years ago.
Since then the song has been estimated to have made nearly 500 million dollars.
Does that happen where you work? I don't think so.
Be CELEBRATED. Not just tolerated. You're worth more than they are willing to pay you.
Start working for yourself. Stop working for Visa and Mastercard.
You're worth it.
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