Yes, I just had another birthday. June 26th. They just seem to fly by now. As a kid, a birthday came about once every millennium, but now, about every few months. That has to be the reason for it...there's no way its been 42 whole YEARS since I first took a breath...
How could that be?
Let's see...I remember being a little kid...then moving when I was going into 4th grade. Going on to Jr. High. Going into high school. Graduating. Attempting college. Working multiple jobs. Getting married. Having a child.
But 42 years....OLD? Unbelievable. Where does all the time go?
Honestly though, I wouldn't change much. Sure, I'd like a nicer car, house, have a great bod etc, but I'm grateful for the life I have now.
"Where you are going is MUCH more important than where you've been."
I don't know if that's someone's quote, but it's what came to me today. Because that's how I feel. And I hope you do too. You can test that by asking yourself "don't you wish you knew THAT 10 years ago?"
Your answer should be "He_ll yes!" That will tell you that you are on the right track. That you are growing, seaching and discovering yourself more and more.
(Now if you say "it doesn't matter", I'd worry a bit.)
But nearly all of us are searching to improve ourselves. I think that's human nature. To be a better ME, whatever that means to each of us. And that's what's so enjoyable and facinating about us in general.
So, what path are you on? Are you working on a better you too? Let me know.