Wednesday, May 28, 2008

You don't have to sell, just find people who want to buy....

I was listening to Joe Schroeder speak with us today, and he was talking about selling. To be honest, I can't even recall his exact quote, but he was saying "you aren't trying to convince people to buy, you are looking for people who want to buy already, and they are looking for you".

Wow. I never thought of it like that before. Oh sure, as a real estate agent, obviously I was looking for people "who were looking to buy or sell..." but I didn't apply the principle to ALL sales.

Think about it. Now think of any product. Lets look at NIKE. They've just come out with a new running shoe. Who can they sell to? Nearly everyone; anyone with money anyway. they target everyone? No. They place ads in Sports Illustrated, fitness magazines, ESPN, gyms, etc. You won't find their ad at Home Depot, or McDonalds. Why not? Because even though "everyone" goes to McDonalds or Home Depot, they don't go there looking for NIKE. It's misplaced advertising.

So the same is true for us, the internet marketer. Who is your target market? Everyone? No, (look again at your product) not everyone. But make no mistake:
People are looking for your product and they are looking for you. Your job is to make sure that they can find you so you can provide the product to them. You did not SELL them. They already wanted it.

We just need to grasp this concept, because I talk to many people (and I was this way myself) that don't "feel like selling". GOOD! WE ARE NOT SELLING! We are offering and providing a service.

Have you ever been really sick? How much is the Theraflu or Nyquil? $10? Sounds a bit expensive so you don't buy it. Then you suffer another miserable you can't wait to go out and pay the $10. In fact, you'd probably pay $15 if they'd deliver it to your door.

So how does MONEY work itself into this equation? Well, money is really nothing more than a tool; something that enables you to get something that you really want. We use it to exchange for other goods and services. The goods and services have actual and personal value to us as individuals. Don't be afraid to ask for the money either. You have the product that they want. Exchanging money for product is as simple as exchanging phone numbers. (K.I.S.S, remember?)

Now its true that don't know exactly what the other person is thinking. We DO know however that they are human, so their thought processes are just like ours. Every day there are things that we tell ourselves that we need. If someone contacts you,(about your products) you don't have to sell them, you just need to confirm to them that you have what they are looking for. Then exchange your product for their dollars and voila! Another satisfied customer...

Good Luck!

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